; NIE Y0555335Z, born La Paz, Bolivia, 30/04/1969
(Entities located in La Paz, Bolivia, unless specifically mentioned)
- Cisco CCNA certification, Technologies Transfer Center, 2002
- Networks/Comunications Specialization postgrade, Aquino University , 2002
- Internet/ Intranet Postgrade, Franz Tamayo Private University, 2001
- Systems Engineering, Catholic University, Cordoba, Argentina, 1993
- Bachelor in humanities, American Institute, 1988
- Implementation, management and administration of network and systems facilities (at present preparing material for possible publication of a book: Administracion de Centros de Computo - IT Facilities Management)
- Free software for enterprise applications and systems management
- Networks, data communications and Internet/Intranet technology; communications equipment of voice and data networks (Cisco, Motorola, mainly; routers, switches, firewalls)
- Information and data management; systems auditing; informatic systems and communications standards
- Operating systems: Linux, SCOUnix, Ultrix, AIX, Windows
2003 - 2010 Systems administrator, GTZ
- Specialized technical consultancy to governmental clients (local and foreign) in design and implementation of IT services;
- IT facilities and data/voice networks design and implementation; supervision of LAN and WAN network cabling and interconnection with 6 offices in several city locations;
- Implementation of Intranet/Internet and administrative services for internal clients;
- IT services and systems management.
- IT facilities and services design, implementation and management; supervision of network cabling of 2 Ministry of Education buildings and governmental buildings throughout the country;
- IT services and systems management;
- Educational information quality strategy development/implementation;
- organization of operatives in collecting redundant information in more than 2000 schools in all the country; pollsters and supervisors team coordination (70 simultaneously).
- Coordination of the IT team;
- Partners consultancy in Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica ;
- IT facilities and services implementation and management, based on a design proposed from Costa Rica; supervision of network cabling;
- Participation in international systems auditories;
- Strategic and operative planification trainer; participation in revision of 40 operative plans and 6 strategic development plans of projects and national office.
- Participation in implementation of stock values negotiation systems with a Colombian specialists team; participation in implementation of WAN network with 15 agencies of local stock market in several points of La Paz;
- Network protocols analysis for price fixing, as specialists assistance to ENTEL.
- Development and implementation of bolivian educative entities database;
- Network cabling and IT services specifications design for buildings of the Educational Reform Program;
- Participation in publication of 10 volumes of educative information compendiums.
Superintendency (Superintendencia de Bancos y Entidades Finacieras)
- National Entities and Persons Financial Database management;
- Participation in migration of the Computer Center and network cabling and IT services design, SBEF building;
- Participation in design and implementation of IT services according to specifications of World Bank counterpart.